Makarska Travel Reviews
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Bili ste u Makarskoj?
Napiąite svoju priču, objavite iskustva i doľivljaje iz Makarske i Makarske Rivijere, a mi ćemo tekst postavit na website u iskustva s putovanja kako bi svi posjetitelji stranice mogli pročitati. Moľete pisati na engleski, njemački, hrvatski ili na bilo koji drugi jezik. Vaąa iskustva i slike s odmora ąaljite na makarska.online@gmail.com
We are an adult couple and have stayed in Makarska for a week, at the end of July . Accommodation: We have rented a small ground-level apartment in Apartments Miranda and were very happy with it. It is located in a quiet street and turned back to a small garden which serves also as a parking space, but is quite nice and quiet, with olive trees and a breath-taking Bougainvillea on the opposite house. We had a nice bedroom including a small kitchen, plus a bathroom. The apartment was quiet and cool - we used the AC only once. We also had a small terrace with a table which served nicely for breakfast. The landlady was cheerful and helpful. The house is within a walking distance from the beach (although you may want to go there by car (and pay 35 kunas for the parking) as there is quite a steep slope to climb on the way back) and from the city centre. We would gladly return there the next year and we recommend it warmly.
Beach: The main beach in Makarska is loud and crowded and equipped with everything. If you prefer a quieter place, you can walk a little bit away from it to the north and find numerous wonderful, quiet places in the shadow of old pine trees. The water is crystal clear and warm enough and it was really perfect for us.
Nightlife: We really love dancing (fox, waltz, rumba, samba, cha) so we asked where to go. We were told that there are bands playing on hotel terraces. We have checked every single hotel in Makarska and this was really the only disappointment during our stay. Yes, there was music, but there were almost no guests and almost nobody was dancing. Several times we were the only couple on the dancing floor. It was a little bit sad. We would really appreciate any advice on where to go the next year. - On the other hand, we have discovered a small cafe (Café Boss) on the main riva, where a man was playing and singing. He was GREAT. A waiter told us his name was Luka. He had a wonderful voice and knew how to sing and how to animate his public. We finished dancing between tables and really had a great time. Once we had dinner at a small street restaurant near the church, we sat in the dark, ate mussels and enjoyed a very good glass of vine. All in all, Makarska left a really nice impression and we are looking forward to go back the next summer.
Natasa, Slovenia, July
Tisztelt látogató! Csodálatos két hetet töltöttünk augusztusában Makarskán a Moca Panzióban. Az appartmanunk a harmadik emeleten volt, nagyon jól felszerelt, kis konyhával, hütöszekrénnyel, klimával, műholdas TV vel, balkonnal, ahonnét lélegzetelállitó kilátás nyilott a központra, és a tengerre. A panzióban étterem is müködik meg lehet kóstolni a helyi specialitásokat amik nagyon finomak. Ezenkivül reggelit, ebédet és vacsorát is kérhetnek a vendégek a szoba mellé. Mi a félpanziós megoldást választottuk ami ugye reggelit és vacsorát jelent. Az ételek mind minöségben mind mennyiségben kifogástalanok voltak, vacsorára három főételből lehetett választani, és mindezért mindössze hatvan eurót fizettünk naponta Appartnam + félpanziós ellátás ami szerintem nagyon baráti ár. Mindenkinek ajánlani tudom a Moca Panziot még biztosan visszatérünk. Pleszinger Zsolt Magyarország
We had a wonderful week in Brist and enjoyed both the hotel, the village and especially the sea. One thing that would have facilitated our stay a lot was if there was someone working at the hotel who spoke English- or German. We had a lot of difficulties communicating with the lady who was there, she was very kind, but really didn't understand when we asked her something which led to some misunderstandings (e.g. regarding when we were supposed to check out from the rooms). A larger sign and/or instructions of how to find to Villa Falcon when arriving in Brist by bus would also be great!
If we go to Croatia next year, we will definitely consider going to Brist and visiting your lovely place again.
All the best, Friederike
Je¶li kto¶ z Państwa poszukuje spokojnego miejsca z przepięknym widokiem na cał± Makarsk± i Adriatyk to polecamy apartamenty Perkusic w Makarskiej. Apartament, w którym byli¶my w sierpniu był na 4 osoby, ale można go powiększyć na więcej osób. Składał się z sypialni, pokoju dziennego z rozkładan± sof±,w którym w wydzielonej czę¶ci znajdował się w pełni wyposażony aneks kuchenny(lodówka,kuchenka mikrofalowa, czajnik bezprzewodowy, ekspres do kawy, sztućce, naczynia, ręczniki, itp.) Oczywi¶cie posiadał klimatyzację oraz dostęp do wifi, ponadto korzystali¶my z garażu pod domem. Cały apartament był bardzo czysty i nowocze¶nie wyposażony. Gospodarze dbali też o wymianę po¶cieli. Najwięcej jednak czasu szczególnie wieczorami spędzali¶my na balkonie zachwycaj±c się niezwykłymi widokami, popijaj±c przy tym rakiję i wi¶niówkę domowej roboty naszych wła¶cicieli oraz zajadaj±c smaczne owoce. Z apartamentu do plaży jest ok.1 km można doj¶ć pieszo, ale nasi wspaniali gospodarze doradzili gdzie znajduje się tani parking bliziutko plaży. Plaże s± żwirkowe z łagodnym dnem, woda cieplutka i czysta, a największ± frajdę sprawiały fale, które czasami pojawiały się na morzu.
Makarska to dobre miejsce wypadowe na różne wycieczki np. Medjugorje, okoliczne piękne miescowo¶ci Baska Voda, Tucepi, Brela, organizowane s± również wycieczki statkami do wysp Brac i Hvar oraz Korculę.
Bardzo ciepło wspominamy nasze wakacje oraz gospodarzy, którzy przygotowali nam wspaniał± kolację, mamy ich w naszych sercach tym bardziej, że był to nasz czwarty pobyt w Chorwacji a pierwszy raz spotkali¶my się z tak± go¶cinno¶ci±, serdeczno¶ci± i przyjaĽni±. Je¶li będzie to tylko możliwe wrócimy tu za rok.
Bravo Mirko i jego żona Ivanka!!! Pozdrowienia dla Emiliji, Nives oraz Ante.
Pozdrawiamy z Polski - Irena, Janusz i Marcin oraz Monika
Wij hebben onze vakantie doorgebracht in het huis van de familie Ravlic in Makaraska. Wij waren zeer tevreden met het appartement, het was zeer ruim,proper, mooi uitzicht. De familie Ravlic waren zeer vriendelijk en ze stonden altijd klaar voor uitleg te geven of tips te geven. De plaats waar het huis zich bevindt is zeer dicht bij het centrum en strand wat zeer belangrijk is Makarska is ook een zeer mooie stad. De stad staat nooit stil het bruist van het leven. Er zijn ook veel mogelijkheden om naar andere eilanden te gaan vanuit Makarska. Wij hebben al een reservatie gemaakt voor volgend jaar :)
Familie Jelaskovic
Our arrival to Split took place 17 sept Father and son Ravlic took us to Makarska, a very nice place. We lived in apartment 7 . Good standard and a very beautiful view. Short distance to the old city, harbour and the beach. We appreciate family Ravlic's hospitalyti Our best recomandations to the family,appartment and the hole area. We hade a very pleasant stay. Look foreward to see you again sometime.
Best regards. Fam. Rindli and Angvik. Norway .
When we started our bookings of the holiday in Makarska, we booked the flight to Split separately and booked a great apartment at the family Ravlics! They arranged transport from the airport in Split to Makarska and back, which was a lot easier than the bus. We are a family of 5 with 3 children from 8-18. This was the perfect size village for everybody! And an incredible clean place to be! The whole family Ravlic, are a fantastic family, where the hospitality is amazing! With a washingmachine, we didnt bring that many clothes, and the rooms were great, everybody felt they had great space. We got served fresh figs from their tree in the beautiful garden. Makarskas local beach is packed with people, but if you walk along the pier, you can get a great space along the water and even rent a sunbed and buy refreshments. The water is soo clear and nice, dont hesitate, buy your children diving gear and they will be busy all day at the beach!! Many great restaurants with dinner choices for ever
John Stevens ( Oslo , Norway ), May
Najładniejsze Widoki w Makarskiej!!!! Lipiec Spędzili¶my u rodziny Ravlic dwa wspaniałe tygodnie wakacji ,były bardzo udane jeste¶my zadowoleni ,wła¶ciciele s± mili ,mieli¶my najładniejszy apartament numer 7:)Widok z naszego balkonu był przepiękny. Pogoda nam bardzo dopisała.W Makarskiej nie można się nudzić miasteczko tętni życiem,ludzie s± bardzo mili.Najlepsze jedzenie jest w Bik Mamie nad brzegiem morza,bardzo dobr± podaj± tam grappę malinow±!Plaże s± kamieniste i żwirkowe,trzeba mieć maty i specjalne buty:)Morze jest lazurowe,czyste i ciepłe.Jest tam piękna zatoka Błękitna Laguna,ale trzeba do niej kawałek doj¶ć-Naprawdę warto!Byli¶my w Dubrowniku na Starym Mie¶cie i nad wodospadami. Wszystkim polecamy Makarsk± Riwierę u rodziny RAVLIC :) Eliza,Tomek,Ewa,Krzysiek,Iza i Igor :) POLSKA. Było bardzo,bardzo fajnie nigdy nie zapomnimy tych wakacji Dziękujemy :)
We stayed at Ravlic apartments in September . Me and my family(5 persons) rented apartment 7 for one week. It was 3 stairs to walk but it wasn´t a problem even for my 80-year old mom- you could use the exercice.The apartment was wonderful, clean and fresh and with 2 bathrooms, 3 rooms to sleep in so everyone could have their own space. The best was the big terracce with view overlooking Makarska, the sea, the islands and mountains. The only thing we wished for was a larger table at the terrace. Every morning we could here the churchbells ring which was very nice. We spent the days at the beach- it was just a short walk from the apartment. The Ravlics was very serviceminded and arranged for us taxi-pickup-service from the airport- that worked out real good and costed 100 euro one way, not much though we were 5 tho share the price. For apartment 7 we payed 630 euro/week- a good price for that central location and big fresh apartment.
I very much recommend Ravlic apartments and Makarska for vacation. Have been in Croatia four times now and it´s always lovely:-) The food, nature, the crystal-clear water and people makes it wonderful:-)
Elisabeth Nydahl
We spent two great summer weeks in Perkusic apartments- Makarska. This was our best vacation ever. We were a big group of young people- 14 people. Both stays were perfect and more than fulfilled all the expectations and we will for sure come again.
First of all the apartments are modern, clean, fully and well furnished and good equipped. You have there everything you need for your stay- starting with fully equiped kitchen, finishing with intenet connection and air condition. What is the best is the big terrace with absolutely stunning view of the sea and city of Makarska that is completely under you. This is for sure one of the best views you can have from your terrace in whole Adria and I recommend everyone to experience this. You have to count with longer distance to beach ( 900m) and quite steep path, but it is worth the view from the terrace. You can go either on foot ( 10-15 mins) or if lazy by car :))
Emilia and her whole family are in one word perfect hosts, we made good relationship with them and are in contact also after the vacation :)) They are caring and willing to help with everything.
The city of Makarska is nice, has a long pebbly beach, which is sometimes more crowded. There are many restaurants and fast foods near the beach. I really recommend to go to beach also to Tucepi and Baska Voda the nearby villages. The night life and opportunities for sport are good for young people- I recommend club michigan in Tucepi :))
You shouldnt miss the trip on Boat to Hvar and Brac islands, you can raft on river Cetina or go to visit National Park Biokovo, with absolutely marvellous views on the adriatic see and coast.
To sum up Makarska riviera is a great place to visit, you not for sure regret. And if you choose Makarska riviera then appartments Perkusic is a perfect opportunity and good choice. I recommend to everybody. Wish you nice stay :))
We stayed at the Perkusic apartment in Makarska this august. The price was a real bargain and for this money we got a very good service. The apartment was clean and comfortable, with a fully equipped kitchen , mincrovawe, air-conditioner. The view from the balcony is absolutely breathtaking, you can see the whole town lying at your feet. The host family was really kind and helpful, they even gave us a farewell present ( a bottle of olive oil and home-made wine).
Makarska is a really great place for those who like the beautiful, crystal-clear sea, and the amazing high mountains.The town itself is charming, with a lively night life, opportunities for boat trips to the neigbouring islands and cosy cafes and restaurants. This is an ideal starting point for tours to Dubrovnik, Split, Trogir and Korcula. I especially liked the rocky beaches, which provided privacy and chance to avoid the mass. Most of the apartments can be found on the hillside, so be prepared for the steep slopes, and narrow streets.
So I can recommend this place for everybody ,who is looking for a great holiday.
Best regards: Zsolt Németh ( Hungary)

Vratila sam se u svoj grad pre sest dana. I dalje sam pod utiskom predivnog letovanja koje je za mojim drugaricama i za mnom. Nas pet devojaka bile smo smestene u sobama kod gospodje Jadranke . Bile smo dirnute paznjom, ljubaznoscu i srdacnoscu koja nas je docekala. Iz Beograda smo i ovo je bilo nase prvo letovanje u Dalmaciji. Evo, i sada, dok pisem ove redove, najezila sam se secajuci se nekih trenutaka. Bilo je divno!!! I sigurno cemo doci i naredne godine. Ono sto je mene narocito odusevilo je cinjenica da su nas svi prihvatile kao ''svoje'' i da ni na jednom koraku nismo imale ni najmanji problem! Izvinjavam se sto ovo pominjem, ali mislim da ce biti od koristi... Zato sto jos uvek postoje blage predrasude... Hvala vam na nezaboravnom letu i divnom druzenju! Vidimo se :)
Tamara, Beograd
Four of my friends an me were guests at the Branka-Aprtment in Makarska at the end of July
It would be important to note one thing: you should definitely check the street-map of Makarska on google maps. Although Makarska is a relatively small "town", finding your way to the apartment can become quite a challenge. We've even met locals who couldn't tell us how to get there, so once again: make sure to check google maps (a roadmap would may be even better...) or have the phone number of the apartment-owner ready, so they can guide you.
The good thing is: finding the way to the apartment is the only thing you can complain about. Everything else really is top-notch! You get 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms (each one of them with a toilet and a shower), 1 living room with a kitchen and 1 big terrace with an breathtaking view of the ocean. We were surprised to even find an HDTV in the living room where you can plug in your Xbox 360 ;). As if that wouldn't be enough the apartment is stacked with plates and dishes, so it really feels like your at home.
On top of all of that the apartment owner, Mrs. Branka, is very friendly and she speaks English (and they even have German-speaking neighbours :) ). That really leaves you with nothing else to wish for.
Bearing all of that in mind, even if the way to the apartment is a bit of a struggle, we HIGHLY recommend the Branka-Apartment.
So, this was my review, I hope this helps. Thank you again for having us!
Greetings from Vienna,
Review of our stay at Ravlic apartment 7, July :
We had a fantastic stay with the Ravlic family! We rented the newly renovated apartment 7 and it was AMAZING! The standard is very good, with aircon, wireless internet and television. The kitchen is simple, and does not have a stove. But I recommend Ravlic's own food served at the door -very good! What we liked the most, was the beautiful view! The terrace is huge and you can see Makarska, the ocean, the islands and the sunset ;) The Ravlic family are very helpful and service minded. We would recommend this place to everyone and hope to come back soon!
Ingrid and Nikolai, Norway
Kedves Látogató!
júliusában töltöttünk 10 napot Makarskán, a Ravlic család 3. apartmanjában.
Mindenkinek ajánlani tudom! Az apartman, szerintem, jobb mint a képeken látható, tényleg közel van a belvároshoz, piachoz, parthoz, a strand körülbelül 10 perc kényelmes séta. Pár óra alatt elérhető Dubrovnyik és feltétlenül érdemes megnézni a Biokovo nemzeti parkot, autóval kb 1 óra (31km, 1762 m magas!!!), meseszép!!!
Összefoglalva, mindenkinek ajánlom mind Makarskát, mind a Ravlic család apartmanját.
Boldauf István
Dear a visitor!
We spent 10 days in Julies on Makarska, Ravlic family's 3. appartement.
I can recommend it to everybody! The appartement, better than on the pictures visible. Is near really to the downtown, a market, a coast. The beach approximately 10 minutes of comfortable walk. Dubrovnik, about 2,5 hours with car, and is necessary to look at it inevitably the biokovo nature park, with a car kb 1 hour (31 km and 1762 m high!!!), beautiful!!!
I all recommend it to everybody Makarska, and Ravlic family's appartement .
Best Regards,
István Boldauf
(from Hungary)
From four years, me and my wife are spending our summer vacations in Croatia. This summer we decided that Makarska deserve a try. Excellent decision. Because we are from Romania and for romanians site visitors, next words I'll write in romanian language:
In ultimii patru ani am fost in multe statiuni din Croatia, dar ceea ce am gasit anul asta in Makarska le-a intrecut pe toate: una dintre cele mai frumoase plaje cu o lungime cat vezi cu ochii, marginita de o padure de pini asa incat poti alege sa stai la umbra sau la soare, apa curata si calda, terase si restaurante care mai de care mai atractive, traditionalul "stari grad" cu strazi inguste si cladiri vechi din piatra; la cateva sute de metri de mare incepe muntele, cu o inaltime de peste 2000m, de fapt e zona de litoral unde muntele e cel mai aproape de mare. Si as mai putea vorbi la nesfarsit despre aces loc minunat.
Am fost un grup de 10 persoane si am inchiriat doua din apartamentele familiei Ravlic. A fost locul ideal: oameni foarte amabili si ospitalieri. De exemplu, cand am venit obositi de calatorie, am fost intampinati cu bere, apa si suc rece - un gest de omenie care ne-a impresionat.
I recommend to everyone Makarska and Ravlic family!
Makarska - The pearl by the sea
To us Finns Croatia is still a country that not many of us are familiar to but that more and more people have started to discover. We have been travelling for many years to Spain, Italy and Greece but many thanks to a very visible campaign in the television we think that the message about Croatia is now well recieved among the people.
Our family started to plan the trip a long time before we actually left. We knew that we wanted to visit this region because we wanted to experience something new. Today on the Internet it is very easy to find information about countries or places that you would like to visit and Croatia is described to be a very beautiful country with clean water, high mountains, lot of interesting places and history, kind people and good food. All that we have to say was not only for real but even better.
During our trip in May this year we stayed in the city of Makarska on the beautiful Makarska Riviera. To have Makarska as a base we think was very good because from there it was possible to do shorter trips to many different places and directions. To mention a few we hired a car and drove down to Dubrovnik to see the Old Town and to Split to see this more modern city by the see. One thing that really made a huge impression to us was to go and see the city of Mostar in Bosnia-Hertzegovina. To go up in the Biokovo Mountains with this incredible scenery is also something that will take your breath away.
For our family the trip to Croatia and Makarska was really one of the best trips we have ever made. In this case we would also like to say thank you to the Ravlic family that rented us this fine apartment and for their kind and caretaking hospitality.We will never forget the strawberry cake we had when we arrived. Many thanks also for their good advice about places we have to see and local restaurants that we have to visit.
Finally we would like to recommend to all of you to go and see a really beautiful country.
Kjell Fellman and family, Nykarleby, Finland

Vi floy til Split og familien Ravlic arrangerte transport for oss med minibuss til og fra deres hyggelige hus. Vi var 6 personer fra 2 til 58. Vi kan anbefale dette familiedrevne stedet pa det varmeste! Svart hyggelig og gjestfritt vertskap, som inkluderte oss i familiens pasketradisjoner og ellers hjalp oss til rette pa alle vis. En hyggelig hage og fin utsikt over byen og Adriaterhavet fra balkongen. Rene og hyggelige rom, nar sentrum og stranda men allikevel stille og rolig. Vi gikk turer i fjellet (sa gemser i den store naturparken som grenser til byen!) og langs stranda. Blir det for mye sol er det lett a soke inn i skyggen under furutrarne som vokser langs hele stranda. Den bestar av sma, hvite, glatte steiner, grov sand men god a ligge pa. Blide folk overalt og mye god sjomat. En trivelig by med gamle hus og trange gater, et godt ferievalg for liten og stor.
Hilsen fra Ask, Birgit, Ranveig, Knut Erik, Anne Ma og Magne, april
english: We flew to Split and family Ravlic arranged transport for us by minibus to and from their pleasant house. We were 6 people aged from 2 to 58. We can recommend this family at the best! Very pleasant and hospitable hosts, who included us in the family's Easter traditions and otherwise helped us out in all ways. A nice garden and good views over the city and the Adriatic Sea from the balcony. Clean and comfortable rooms, close to town and beach yet quiet and calm. We went hiking in the mountains (And saw the Chamois in the great natural park that borders the city!) and along the beach. If too much sun, it is easy to search into the shade under pine trees that grow along the beach. It consists of small, white, smooth stones, coarse sand but good to lie on. Nice people everywhere and a lot of good seafood. A pleasant town with old houses and narrow streets, a good holiday choice for young and old.
Greetings from Ask, Birgit, Ranveig, Knut Erik, Anne Ma, and Magne, April
When we started our bookings of the holiday in Makarska, we booked the flight to Split separately and booked a great apartment at the family Ravlics! They arranged transport from the airport in Split to Makarska and back, which was a lot easier than the bus. We are a family of 5 with 3 children from 8-18. This was the perfect size village for everybody! And an incredible clean place to be! The whole family Ravlic, are a fantastic family, where the hospitality is amazing! With a washingmachine, we didnt bring that many clothes, and the rooms were great, everybody felt they had great space. We got served fresh figs from their tree in the beautiful garden. Makarskas local beach is packed with people, but if you walk along the pier, you can get a great space along the water and even rent a sunbed and buy refreshments. The water is soo clear and nice, dont hesitate, buy your children diving gear and they will be busy all day at the beach!! Many great restaurants with dinner choices for everybody in the family. We absolutely recommend to stay with family Ravlic in Makarska!! One day we hope to go there again!!
Best wishes from Anya, Michael, Desire, Bent og Tone Bjerke Olafsen, Norway
felt most welcome in Makarska, and hospitality above what
we expected.
There are several families that expressed a wish to go back
to Makarska.
Perhaps you will find some of us in your beautiful town
already in summer
regards, Dag
Best view at Makarska Riviera!
stay at Perkusic apartment
in Makarska June can only be described as a total success.
The first comment from our teenagers, standing on our balcony
looking out over Makarska was: Are we really going to stay
here in this apartment for 2 weeks ? Coooool!!!!
And we fully agree! The view from that balcony must be one
of the best in Croatia.
A high standard apartment and a professional treatment from
our hostess Emilija also
made our stay a real pleasure.
A variety of activities are at hand in Makarska. We went
for rafting on Cetina
2,5 hours down the Cetina river from Slime to Radmanove
mlinice with guide Damir
from Slap travel agency is an adventure well worth the money
and time spent. Restaurant
Susvid at the picturesque church square must be mentioned
when it comes
to dine out. Perfect service and very tasty food made us
come back more than once.The
beaches at Makarska are ok, but if you want something special,
you have to go
to Brela, 15 minutes by car from Makarska. Better pebble
beach is hard to find!If
you want to find a place for total recreation/relaxation,
this must be it!Once
again, thanks to you and your family, Emilija Perkusic,
for a pleasant stay at
your apartment, from families Burell and Sundborg, Gothenburg
Sa zahvalnoscu sam primio vas e-mail koji me je obradovao
da ste nam se javili i poslije odmora.
Nama su Podgora i sami vasi Apartmani ostali u najljepsim
sjecanjima. Sam smjestaj i gostoprimljivost su nas naveli
da u buducem ljetovanju na Makarskoj Rivijeri izaberemo
Vilu Karin . Apartmani su
preljepo namjesteni i smjesteni u krasnoj Vili u kojoj svaki
Apartman posjeduje Klimu, TV i terasu sa bogatim pogledom
na more i u neposrednoj blizini najljepse plaze, gdje se
mozete osvjeziti u tamo stojecem Cafe Baru kad god vam je
to potrebno. Plaza vam pruza sitni sljunak i hladovinu od
uskog zasadenog drveca tik uz plazu. Jos jednom vam se zelim
ovim putem najsrdacnije zahvaliti na preljepom ljetovanju
i nadam se da se uskoro ponovo vidimo.
Sa postovanjem, Goran Samardzic
you so much to family Ravlic for a very pleasant stay in
Makarska for 12 days in May/June The apartments were
nice and clean, situated in a quiet part of the town, a
short walk from the square/market and the beach. Family
Ravlic was very nice and helpful, and we felt very welcome
in their house. The service prior to our visit was also
very good, and everything was well organised.
is a beautiful town at the Dalmatian coast. The town is
quite small and quiet; still there are great opportunities
for shopping and dining in the many restaurants. Best of
all is of course the nice pebbly beach and the sea with
its crystal clear water. Makarska is a great place to go
on vacation with children. In the beach area there are trampolines,
a roundabout and a playground. And our children were very
excited about the fish museum!
had a great holiday in Makarska, and would love to come
back. We highly recommend this beautiful town and the Ravlic
Bodil, Atle, Vilde, Synne & Julie
Helga, Maria & Mathias
var vårt andre besøk i makarska, og vi bodde
hos familien
R avlic.
Vi hadde en koselig leilighet i sentrum av makarska hvor
var stille og rolig.
Familien Ravlic er et meget
hyggelig vertskap og vi kan på det
varmeste anbefale dette bostedet til alle.
Makarska er ellers en meget koselig liten by med flotte
og turstier.
Bjørg og Odd May
takker familien Ravlic for meget hyggelig opphold i deres
hus - i mai d.a.
Vi har vart i Makarska 5 ganger - men alltid tidligere bodd
pa hotell -
noe som vi endret pa denne gang. Og vi ble meget fornoyd
med oppholdet hos
Ravlic. Vi motte meget hyggelig vertskap - og beliggenheten
var ideell - med 5 minutters gange
ned til sentrum. Sa vi anbefaler gjerne andre til a forsoke
et leilighetsopphold her.
Selv har vi tapt vare hjerter til Makarska - og vil allerede
til hosten vare pa plass
igjen samme sted.
og Alf Pedersen, Norway. May
was the best vacation i'v ever been to!
the end of june i went to makarska with my handballteam.
we where there for two weeks, and we had a great time.
we went to the beach every day, but there was no sand, only
small rocks. the shops where near the beach. the food was
great, and cheap too.
in the night we had so much fun, we went out to eat and
later we went to a club. the people was very nice, and everything
was perfect! :)
we lived in the house to family Ravlic,
they where very nice, and i want to thank them for two wonderful
weeks. i enjoyd it so much that i want to come back summer
we had a wonderful week in August in Makarska at Ravlic
family's apartment. All Riviera Makarska was beautiful,
was our occasion to admire. We liked the hidden little rocky
beaches, where we were swimming and sunbathing in the crystal
clear water. We are not first time in Croatia, but we claim
that this is one of the most wonderful places certainly.
Thanks to family Ravlic who are very kind, friendly and
they were helpful, they provided for us calm and carefree
relaxation! We recommend it to everybody, we would go back
with pleasure!
Muszik from Hungary, August
Har precis kommit hem fran en underbart härlig vecka i Makarska.
Bodde pa Ravlic Apartment
& familjen Ravlic var en mycket bra värdfamilj,
fantastiskt tillmötesgaende & hjälpsamma.
Ska ni aka till Makarska rekommenderar vi stället &
boendet varmt!
Stefan, Pernilla, Johanna & Sophia
Sweden Augusti
This was our second vacation in Croatia,we booked the apartment
directly on
Makarska-Online.Net and everything was like description.
Makarska was a fine place with all facilities, it has a
lot of resturants with good and cheap food. I also have
to mention cleaniness all over.
Thanks to family Ravlic for
a wonderful week with the best service ever.
Regards from Lars og Jane, Geir og Mette.
from Norway
en underbar stad!
Snart är jag pa väg till Kroatien igen. Det är tredje aret
i rad. Första gangen tillbringade jag en vecka i Podgora,
strax söder om Makarska. reste jag ensam till den oerhört
vackra staden Makarska.
Det var en ren slump att jag hamnade där. Betagen av staden
är bara "förnamnet". Dess arkitektur, vänliga
människor samt ett oerhört rent vatten med vackra smastensstränder.
Här samsas lugn och harmoni med, om man vill, partyliv,
det finns nagot för alla!
Jag hade turen att hitta Ravlic
Apartments pa nätet. En otroligt vänlig och social familj.
Lägenhetshotellet är en oas mitt i centrum, totalt lugn
rader. Absolut inget ljud fran biltrafik mm existerar.
Du kan koppla av i den vackra trädgarden, laga din middag
vid grillplatsen och bara njuta!
Bara ca 100 m fran lugnet hos familjen Ravlic hittar du
Gamla Stan med tranga gränder, vackra, lite slitna ,byggnader
och en massa restauranger, barer samt glassförsäljare. Missa
inte den Kroatiska glassen, lika god som den Italienska!!!!
Om du vill ha en trevliv, avslappnad och skön semester,
kontakta familjen Ravlic, ett underbart boende mitt i Makarska
Sweden April 25.
Makarska is a vacation that i will never forget. I arrived
by plane to Split airport, the house owner where i reserved
my accommodation came to the airport to pick me up with
his car so i didn't have to think about transport to Makarska.
Me and my girlfriend reserved beutifull apartment in a private
house in the center of Makarska. We spent 14 beutifull days
in Makarska, swimming, sunbathing, exploring Makarska riviera.
Especially we liked mountain Biokovo, it is something everybody
should visit. Our hosts were great, we became good friends
and we are planing to visit them again next June so we can
enjoy again in this great town.
Johnson, London, UK, April 17.
have been to Makarska?
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your experience about Makarska and Makarska Riviera and
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