Peninsula St.Peter, a small peninsula at the port entrance of Makarska City. It is city park with long promenade and beach.
Makarska promenade, Makarska is very characteristic city because of long promenade which connect Makarska with places around. From east Makarska is connected with Tučepi, walking through city park - peninsula Osejava for just 20 minutes you will come in Tučepi beach. From where you can continue to walk further to Podgora, on the beach, enjoing in clean sea and fresh air. From west side, from Makarska you can walk along whole coast till entrance in Makarska Riviera. Walking you will pass places Krvavica, Bratuš, Promajna, Baška Voda, Brela, at the end you will come in Vruja beach (a little beach between Omiš Riviera and Makarska Riviera) where you can enjoy in clean sea. Beach is called Diamond Beach, because of its purity.
Monument to the Revolution , Makarska, Partisan soldiers killed in the War of National Liberation and the victims of fascism , 1983 . On the monument from 25.07.2009. is the observatory . It is open on Saturdays from 20 -23h. On cloudy days is closed. Come and observe the planet Jupiter and other celestial bodies .

Makarska port is one of the most beautiful ports in Dalmatia. Its structure built by stone are resisted for many years a strong impact northern and southern wind.
Church St.Filip Neri - This little church and its belltower is placed between two houses right on the promenade in port. The construction was initiated in the 18th century by Bishop Stjepan Blašković, originally as part of the complex of the Monastery of the Sacred Oratory which was later burned down. Bishop Blašković is buried close the main altar , as his nephew, Bishop Fabijan Blašković. The local legend says that one night people are heard sounds from church organ who are been locked. People are interpreted this as a sign from Bshop Stjepan that he would like to be moved. Theay are opened his grave and find his bodey perfect preserved. They interpreted this as a miracle, they are closed the grave and the eerie organ music people never heard again.
Makarska town Museum, visit time 9 - 13 and 17 - 19 (Summer time 18 - 21). Makarska Municipal Museum is located in a baroque palace Tonoli , built in the second half of the 18th century on the west side of harbor. Historical periods in littoral shows numismatic collection with 700 coins . Cultural and historical collections are representative images , portraits Makarska citizens of the 19th century , and especially Madonna and Child with John Skvarčine , less oil on wood from the middle of the same century. Makarska Municipal Museum has a library fund of about 7000 units, including collection of newspapers and leaflets .
Osejava Peninsula- Peninsula is one of city parks where people usually enjoying in picnic, jogging, bicycling...
Statue of Turists - Monument tourists - as thanks to all the tourists who visited the town of Makarska, in Makarska port have are set bronze statue of tourists. Created by young sculptor Nikola Šanjeka, it shows a rather chic couple taking a stroll along the waterfront.
Kacic square- In the city center, close to the Makarska port is the largest city square - Square Andrije Kacica Miosica with his monument in the middle, built 1890th. The square also held a variety of entertainment and other events specialy during Summer time. Fr Andria Kacic Miosic was been the most significant national poet not only of the Makarska Riviera but also the entire Dalmatian. Fr Andrija Kačić Miošić, author of widely read book in Dalmatia after the Bible, which has so far undergone 64 editions. It is the famous "Razgovor ugodni naroda Slovinskog . "
Venetian fountain from the 18th century are located on Kačić square. For years, it serves as a place to refresh Biokovo cold water. He is famous because of coat of arms which is today use like symbol of Makarska.
Cathedral st.Marko are located at the top of the Kačić square. Construction of the chatedral is in Baroque style. Chatedral is build in 1700 year. At the entrance to the chatedral from right side of the altar is place where is keep the bones of St. Clement, the patron of the city of Makarska and Makarska diocese.
Ivanisevic palace , family house, baroque palace in the eastern part of the old town of Makarska and Makarska is the most important monument of residential architecture in 18 th
Street Kalalarga located west of the square, marked by the numerous remains of the Baroque, a few doors, windows, balconies, stairs, arms. Layout the main square and surrounding streets layout has been preserved to this day.
Franciscan monastery-include a library with about 5000 books, 24 inkanabule, many periodicals and manuscripts, 369 Turkish documents. In front of a monastery is a church which is built probably 1400th year.
Malacological Museum - Museum of shells, with the support of Makarska museum is open to the public 1963rd the premises of the Franciscan monastery (16th century). The visitors can see about 3000 copies conch sorted by geographical distribution and collection of paleontological fossil avertebrates (invertebrates) in which the fossils mainly from Dalmatia, to a lesser extent from abroad.
Botanic garden Kotisina- The garden was founded by Dr. Fra Jure Radic (1920-1990), a Franciscan priest and scholar, for the purpose of scientific research and monitoring, protection and conservation, and the popularization and introduction of plant life mountain slope. This is not a botanical garden in the classical sense, where each plant brought by certain rules, but is designed as a "walled part of nature", which will retain the natural vegetation forms with its native flora. In a relatively small area of 16.5 ha are very diverse habitats such as rocky ground, poured, precipitous cliffs, arable land, and the canyon Proslap with the same name waterfall, which is dry most of the year, and revive only during heavy rains.
Makar-village in which the Makarska named. Many families have many years settled in Makarska, before that they lived in the village of Makar.
Vepric - Croatian holy shrine VEPRIC was founded in 1908 Bishop Dr. Juraj Kinglet (1867-1921) , who is buried in the shrine . The natural cave as well as the surrounding landscape formed by hills and the creek running in the valley, greatly reminds pilgrims of the famous sanctuary of Lourdes in France, where Our Lady appeared 18 times to Bernadette Soubirous in 1858. On the sanctuary, a chapel and a sacristy with outside altar,as well as several confessionnals, a Way of the Cross, a house for retreats and paths for processions have the purposes of the sanctuary. Because of its natural beauty and its peaceful suroundings, this sanctuary is visited by a great number of pilgrims, througt the year. The most important dates for pilgrimages are: February 11th, March 25th, August 15th, September 7-8th.
Nature park Biokovo - The highest peak is Sveti Jure ,1762 m. Mountain slope area was declared a nature park 1981. year . The Republic of Croatia is the 1998th The public institution Biokovo Nature Park , which specializes in the protection , conservation and promotion of the nature park mountain.